A quintessential gentleman, an astute versatile genius, a remarkable personality of high moral integrity, humility and reputable character, a man of letters and eloquence with proven exceptional brilliance and intelligence, a person supremely gifted with emotional self-control, composure, patience, tolerance, and resilience, He is Hamim Nuhu Muhammad Sanusi the 20th Amir (Emir of Dutse), having ascended the throne sequel to the demise of his loving father late Amir of Dutse (Dr.) Nuhu Muhammad Sanusi of blessed memory, who departed to the eternal beyond on 31st January, 2023.
Born on 26th February 1979, Hamim Nuhu Sanusi belongs to a rare class of Emirs privileged by destiny to had both his father and grandfather served as Emirs, a chance which afforded him the enviable opportunity to be groomed in the very best ideals and virtues of traditional leadership which glorify service to the people above personal fulfillment.

Born [on 27 December 1944] into a highly disciplinarian family, he imbibed right from childhood the virtues of patience, respect, tolerance, obedience, steadfastness, fear of God and devotion to the pursuance of common good, qualities that were to distinguish his character and personality among peers and colleagues. He was awarded an honorary doctorate degree by the Federal University of Technology Oweri.Nuhu Sanusi attended Dutse elementary school and Birnin Kudu Senior primary School, between 1952-1959. Thereafter admitted to the Kano Teachers College, later gained admission into Advanced Teachers College/Ahmadu Bello University in 1967.

Just a little over a decade after the first elevation of Dutse district to an emirate, The Federal Military Government under [Ibrahim Babangida] created the Jigawa State on August 27, 1991 and Dutse became the Capital city of the new State. This development gave birth to yet another Dutse Emirate on 13th November 1991, comprising the local government areas of Dutse, Kiyawa, Birnin Kudu, Gwaram, and Jahun. The creation of Dutse emirate was followed with the upgrading of its serving district head [Muhammad Sanusi ibn Bello] to the first class Emir of Dutse.

On 1st April 1981, acting on a constitutional provision which confers the power of appointment and deposition of emirs on state government, the governor of Kano state [Abubakar Rimi] approved the elevation of the four historical districts [Sarakunan Karaga] of Dutse, Gaya, Rano, and Auyo to first class Emirate status. To this effect on 5th June 1981, Abdulkahi Maikano the serving District head of Dutse was formally presented with staff of office as first class Emir.

On the death of Sarki Bello, Sulemanu a school teacher at Shahuchi primary school in Kano city, and a grandson of Sarkin Dutse Sulemanu 1 was recommended by the Colonial Administration and appointed by emir of Kano Usman as the new District Head of Dutse.
His authority like his predecessor, was confined to Dutse alone, until 1924 when the District Colonial Officer [Mr. Middleton] recommended the formal curving out of Kiyawa District comprising of twenty six villages from Dutse under Dan-Lawan Umaru Yola, while .Sulemanu was left with thirty three villages as Dutse District.

As a result of the uprising against Dan-Lawan Ahmadu the Colonial Administration reduced the status of Dutse to a mere Village Head as a punitive measure to punish the members of Dutse ruling families.
Bello, was appointed Sarkin Dutse with limited jurisdiction and placed under a new District Head [Dan-Lawan Umaru yola] by the new emir of Kano [Usman dan Abdullahi] barely one month after his coronation.
The appointment of Dan-lawan Umaru Yola did not solve the political situation in Dutse, as Dutse ruling houses view this as an effort to bring Dutse under total control of Kano.

Emir Abbas appointed Abdullahi 1 as the new District Head of Dutse. He started his administration with a very impressive tax drive to avoid the pitfalls of his predecessors.
Within a few years, problems of emigration to neighboring Districts of Gaya and Birnin-Kudu where the taxes are relatively lower drained his efforts.
When tax records for the year 1914/1915 for the District fell to the lowest level, the Colonial administration charged him as lacking in the ability to take total control of the District and therefore directed the emir to appoint someone to assist him in his primary duties. Dan-Lawan [Ahmadu Gurara] was posted to Dutse.

The deposition of two District Heads from the Yalligawa clan in succession, saw the return of Jalligawa clan into the administration of Dutse after several years.
Unfortunately, Hamida died on his way back to Dutse barely five days after his turbaning as the new District Head of Dutse.

The deposition of Sarki Haladu, was followed by the appointment of Halilu as the District Head of Dutse.
Like his cousin, he could not effect changes that will raise the financial status of the District and was immediately removed from office after one year and few month in office on the ground of ineptitude.

With the conquest of Kano and the appointment of Muhaamadu Abbas as the new emir by the British colonial administrator [Lord Lugard], on April 2nd 1903, the emir appointed his nephew Haladu as Sarkin Dutse.
The new Colonial administration was dissatisfied with the pattern of authority in existence, particularly as regards to the collection of taxes which is central to its administration.
The Colonial Resident Officer [Mr.Cargil] came up with the idea of grouping several villages under one District administration. The new system had reduced the importance and influence of Sarkin Dutse [now a mere sub-District Head].

On the death of Abdukadir [maje Abalago] emir of Kano Aliyu appointed Abdulkadir 111 as the new Sarkin Dutse.
This period coincided with the piece meal occupation of the Sokoto Caliphate by the British colonial administration.
He was a very learned Islamic theologian and devoted much of his time in the palace to the promotion of scholarship.
On January 2,1903, barely four weeks before the British army set out for the conquest of Kano from Zaria, Sarki Abdulkadir 111 in company of about one hundred ardent believers from Dutse joined emir Aliyu on a visit to Sokoto.
On their way back the sad news of the capture of Kano was communicated to the party, Aliyu deserted and later was captured by the British forces and exiled in Lokoja.

Nick-named [Maje Abalago] was appointed by the new emir of Kano Aliyu to succeed his brother as a reward for their support in the civil war.
Throughout his reign, Abdulkadir 11 was in constant feud with turbulent neighbor Hadejawa who carried several expeditions into Dutse territory. Eventually, he met his death in their hand in an ambush at Shatari [a fortified village on Dutse’s border with Hadejia]. His butchered body was brought to Abalago where he was laid to rest.

Ibrahim was installed as Sarkin Dutse by Yusuf from Gaya after defeating Salihi at Karnaya,,died [barely two months after his installation] at a battle in Fagge when their forces attacked Kano city.
On his death,the deposed Sarki Salihi 11 attempted to re-capture Dutse with the support of Sarkin Hadejia.

Tukur dan Muhammadu Bello succeeded his late father as the new emir of Kano and appointed in the same year Salihi 11 as the new [Sarkin Dutse].His choice of Salihi [Bajallige] pitched the [Yalligawa clan] out of favor and therefore aliened and joined their forces with the rejectinists at Takai.under the command of Ibrahim dan Musa.
When their forces took over Gaya, Ibrahim requested for support to topple Salihi 11 from Yusufu the rejectionist leader.

Sequel to the deposition of Sarki Ibrahim, in that year, emir Muhammadu Bello apparently tried to maintain the support of the Jalligawa clan whose power and influence was resurrected by Ibrahim Irema, placated them by appointing his younger brother as the new Sarkin Dutse.

On the demise of Sarki Sulemanu, the succession reverted to Jalligawa Salihi’s lineage after about half a century.
The then Emir of Kano Abdullahi dan Dabo appointed Ibrahim Irema the third youngest child of Sarki Salihi as Sarkin Dutse.
However, his reign was terminated in 1884, by the new emir of Kano Muhammadu Bello who began a systematic purge of top ranking officials whom he perceived as staunch loyalist of his predecessor.
In a letter to the Wazir of Sokoto in 1884 he wrote- In the name of Allah the merciful, the compassionate; may Allah bless the noble prophet.From Sultan of Kano Muhammad Bello, son of the late Sultan Ibrahim.

With the death of Sarki Bello, emir of Kano [Usman] requested ex- Sarkin Dutse Musa to return to Dutse from Shira and present any of his Sons to succeed Bello. Sulemanu naturally became the successor.
He was nick-named [maje-Fajewa] because of his determination to stop the Ningawa and Hadejawa under Buhari from ever venturing to Kano territories. He helped to defend Miga and Harbo to the east from Hadejawa, and Birnin kudu and part of Sumaila from falling into the hands of Ningawa.

He was famous for his forceful and resolute character, whose enthronement was viewed by his brothers as purely a miscarriage of justice due to his maternal root in Kano ruling house. They gang-up against him in support of Sulemanu whose mother Amina was the daughter of Sarkin Dutse Gwajabo.
Despite all opposition, Bello brought glory reminiscent of [Ada ] The great. Tradition has it that Bello was not only feared by his neighbors for his military adventures, but also by his grand-parents in Kano for flouting their directives.
He suspended the payment of war chest [50% of revenue] which has become the norm in Kano-Dutse relationship since 1808. He was persuaded to meet with Sarkin Kano Usmanu dan Dabo for a family meeting to resolve the crisis with a promise of leniency and stronger military support in 1849.
On his arrival at Kano palace he was made to sit on a camouflaged mat that was actually a deep pit. His body has never been recoved.

Musa was a close friend and ally of Sarkin Kano Ibrahim Dabo [1819-1846] partly because of his courage and war strategies. He ascended to the throne barely few weeks after Ibrahim Dabo became the new emir of Kano.
His reputation as a wise and brave commander of Salihi, who planned the liberation of Birnin-Kudu from Habe ruler; his marriage to the daughters of deposed Sarkin Dutse [Gwajabo] and Galadiman Kano [Sani] and most remarkable surprise depeat of the El-Kanemi forces at [Fake] helped in creating his legendary history.

Reputedly a very learned man, Salihi lived a quite and simple life of scholarship after deposing the last Habe ruler [Gwajabo c.1799-1807]. During his twelve years of leadership, he entrusted the day to day affairs in the hands of his associate and commander of the forces [the Makama] Musa.